The Association of Nigerian Student Authors (ANSA) was founded in 2007 by Dr. Kennedy Oberhiri Obohwemu, a renowned Nigerian author. ANSA’s mission is to promote a reading and writing culture among children, teenagers, and young adults. It provides a platform for these young individuals to contribute to Nigeria’s literary scene.
ANSA aims to engage young people at every stage of their education, from primary school to tertiary institutions, by offering a structured framework for their literary development. ANSA recognizes the decline of reading and writing among young people and seeks to reverse this trend.
It believes that youth should not only participate but also take the lead in revitalizing the literary landscape. ANSA’s ultimate goal is to empower youths with the power of writing, as they hold the potential to transform the world.

We also sponsor the National Association of Young Authors (NAYA) and the Global Association of Young Authors (GAYA), both of which are communities of enthusiastic young writers.